Foundry TSS, spol. s r. o.
Třebechovice pod Orebem

TSS, spol. s r. o. is a private foundry that was privatized in 1994. About 180 employees work there. Annual turnover is about 8,5 mil. EUR. EN GJL 150-300 quality castings form the main program of the company.


Present production program is specialized to production of gray iron castings, bronze castings, aluminum castings, and brass castings (both sand and mould ones). The company has a high-quality equipped pattern shop where patterns from wood, polystyrene, aluminum, and plastic materials are made. Mechanical production is aimed to castings machining, tools, jigs, fixtures, moulds and machines.

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We sponsored a Team of Brno University of Technology on a competition AIR CARGO CHALLENGE 2015. The principle of the competition was to design and produce unmanned aircraft according to predetermined criteria. We manufactured forms for this airplane.

TSS, spol. s r. o.